The sad news is that Dementia is the broad category and Alzheimer’s is a form of dementia. Alzheimer’s is progressive and incurable, although there are medications and ways of managing that help.
Does your loved one:
have less energy?
sit and watch tv instead of socializing?
become moody and uninterested?
feel depressed?
forget conversations or events that just happened?
have trouble following a conversation, completing whole thoughts or understanding others?
get lost on the same streets they have driven before?
have difficulties with everyday tasks?
All of these are signs of Alzheimer’s. With Alzheimer’s our loved one is still occupying the same body, but they are no longer the same person. Precious memories are lost and no new memories are gained. We look at the person who has meant so much to us and ask, “Who are they now?” They don’t recognize us. We grieve. At the same time, we remind ourselves that it is not about us. The shared love and memories are still a part of us.
It’s physically and emotionally exhausting to care for a person with Alzheimer’s, but there is help:
Our care providers are trained to give compassionate care while preserving our loved one’s dignity.